The Colossusits purpose and operationby Tony Sale | Tony Sale's Codes and Ciphers |
This is Page 2 of 3 pages by Tony Sale about the Lorenz ciphers and the Colossus.
He approached TRE at Malvern to design an electronic
machine to implement the double-delta method of finding wheel start
positions which Bill Tutte had devised. The machine was built at Dollis Hill
and was known as Heath Robinson after the cartoonist designer of fantastic
There is now a description of Heath Robinson which you can view.
Heath Robinson worked well enough to show that Max Newman's concept
was correct. Newman then went to Dollis Hill where he was put in touch with
Tommy Flowers, the brilliant Post Office electronics engineer. Flowers went on to
design and build Colossus to meet Max Newman's requirements for a
machine to speed up the breaking of the Lorenz cipher.
Tommy Flowers' major contribution was to propose that the wheel patterns be
generated electronically in ring circuits thus doing away with one paper tape
and completely eliminating the synchronisation problem.
This required a vast
number of electronic valves but Tommy Flowers was confident it could be
made to work. He had, before the war, designed Post Office repeaters using
valves. He knew that valves were reliable provided that they were never
switched on and off. Nobody else believed him!
Colossus design started in March 1943. By December 1943 all the various
circuits were working and the 1,500 valve Mark 1 Colossus was dismantled,
shipped up to Bletchley Park, and assembled in F Block over Christmas 1943.
The Mark 1 was operational in January 1944 and successful on its first test
against a real enciphered message tape.
The machine age comes to Fish codebreaking
The mathematician Max Newman now came on the scene. He thought that it
would be possible to automate some parts of the process for finding the settings used for
each message.
Max Newman
There were problems with Heath Robinson keeping two paper tapes in
synchrony at 1,000 characters per second. One tape had punched on to it
the pure Lorenz wheel patterns that the manual code breakers had
laboriously worked out. The other tape was the intercepted enciphered
message tape. The double-delta cross-correlation measurement was then
made for the whole length of the message tape. The relative positions then
moved one character and the correlation measurement repeated. The codebreaker
was looking for the relative position which gave the highest cross-correlation score — which hopefully would correspond to the correct Lorenz wheel
start position.
The Mark 1 had been rapidly succeeded by the Mark 2 Colossus in June 1944 and eight more were quickly built to handle the increase in messages. The Mark 1 was upgraded to a Mark 2 and there were thus ten Mark 2 Colossi in the Park by the end of the war. By the end of hostilities, 63 million characters of high grade German messages had been decrypted — an absolutely staggering output from just 550 people at Bletchley Park, plus of course the considerable number of interceptors at Knockholt, with backups at Shaftesbury and Cupar in Scotland.
The racks were 90 inches, (2.3m), high of varying widths.
There were eight racks arranged in two bays about 16ft (5.5m) long plus the
paper tape reader and tape handler (known as the bedstead). The front bay
of racks, spaced 5ft (1.6m) from the rear bay, comprised from right to left, the
J rack holding the master control panel, the plugboard some cathode
followers and the AND gates. Next came the K rack which contained the very
large main switch panel together with the very distinctive sloping panel at the
front which was a duplicate patch panel for the thyratron rings. Next came the
S rack which held the relays used for buffering counter output and making up
the typewriter drive logic. The left hand rack at the front was the C rack which
held the counter control logic on the front and the decade counters on the
The rear bay of Colossus contained four racks, the R rack holding the
staticiser and delta boards for the paper tape reader output and the K and S-wheel thyratron ring outputs, the M rack for the M-wheel staticisers and S-wheel motion logic. The very large W rack held, on one side all the thyratrons
making up the wheel rings, 501 in all, and on the other side the 12 thyratron
ring control panels. Also on the W rack were the link boards for the wheel
patterns and the uniselectors for setting wheel start positions. The end rack of
the back bay held the power packs. These were 50 volt Westat units stacked
up in series to give +200 volts to -150 volts. The total power consumption was
about 5 Kilowatts most of which was to the heaters of the valves.
The circuit layout was all surface mounting on metal plates bolted to the
racks. The valve holders were surface mounting with tag strips for the
components. This form of construction had much to commend it, firstly both
sides of a rack could be used, secondly wiring and maintenance were very
easy and lastly cooling of the valves was expedited by them being horizontal.
The broad principle of Colossus was to count throughout the length of the text
the number of times that some complicated Boolean function between the
text and the generated wheel patterns had either a true or false result. At the
end of text the count left on the counter circuits was dumped onto relays
before being printed on the typewriter during the next read through the text,
an early form of double buffering.
Colossus had two cycles of operation. The first one was controlled by the
optical reading of the sprocket holes punched between tracks 2 and 3 on the
paper tape. The sprocket signal was standardised to 40 microseconds wide.
The optical data from the paper tape was sampled on the back edge of the
standardised sprocket pulse as was the outputs from the rings of thyratrons
representing the Lorenz wheel patterns. The result of the logical calculation
was sampled on the leading edge for feeding into the counter circuits.
The second cycle of operations occurred at the beginning and end of the text
punched onto the paper tape. The paper tape was joined into a loop and
special holes were punched just before the start of text between channels
three and four (called the start ) and just after the end of text between
channels four and five (called the stop). This long cycle of operations began
with the electrical signal from the photocell reading the stop hole on the tape.
This stop pulse set a bistable circuit which stayed set until the optical signal
from the start hole was read. The setting of this bistable thus lasted for the
duration of the blank tape where the text was joined into a loop, typically
about 100 millisec. The first operation after the stop pulse was to release any
settings on the relays from the previous count. Next the new count was read
onto the relays. Then the counters and the thyratron rings were cleared and
then the thyratron rings were struck at the next start point to be tried. When
the bistable was reset by the start pulse, sprocket pulses were released to
precess the thyratron rings, to sample the data read from the paper tape and
to sample the calculation output to go to the counters.
The various components of Colossus were the optical reader system, the
master control panel, the thyratron rings and their driver circuits, the optical
data staticisors and delta calculators, the shift registers, the logic gates, the
counters and their control circuits, the span counters, the relay buffer store
and printer logic.
The output from the data channels went to the staticiser and delta circuits.
Thyratrons are gas-filled triodes which strike a discharge arc between anode and cathode when the grid voltage is raised to allow electrons to flow. This discharge when struck continues quite independent of the grid voltage. Thus the thyratron acts as a one-bit store. It can only be switched off by driving both the anode and the grid negative with respect to the cathode. To construct a shift register with thyratrons requires that the striking of the next thyratron in the ring also quenches the previous thyratron. This leads to a biphase circuit with anodes of alternate thyratrons connected together and the grid voltage partially biased by the cathode voltage of the previous thyratron.
The complication arises when a Lorenz wheel contains an odd number of setting lugs. The thyratron ring controller for this requires a complete set of circuits to handle just the odd thyratron in order to get back to the biphase circuits for the rest of the ring. The thyratrons in a ring conduct sequentially stepped round by the sprocket pulses. Each thyratron cathode is brought out to a patch panel which allows the cathode pulse to be connected to a common output line when a link is plugged into the patchboard. Thus as the ring precesses round a sequence of pulses appears on the common output line. By selecting the link positions this sequence can replicate the mechanical lugs set on the Lorenz wheel. Alongside the patch panel is a Uniselector which selects the thyratron cathode to which the ring strike pulse goes. This is the start position of the ring when sprocket pulses come in at the start of text.
The common line output went to the staticiser and delta circuits.
Up to 5 shift elements could be connected in cascade giving a 5 bit shift register. This is thought to be the first recorded design or use of a shift register. Some of the computational algorithms used this window on previous data to improve the cross-correlation measurement.
As an example take the simple double-delta algorithm as devised by Bill Tutte. This requires two wheels to be run simultaneously: so take K4 and K5.
First the delta outputs from channel 5 of the paper tape reader is combined
in an AND gate with the delta output of the K5 thyratron ring. Then this result
is ANDed with the AND output of delta channel 4 and the delta output of the
K4 thyratron ring. This result is plugged to Q1 and on the switch panel Q1 is
switched to counter 1. The output can be negated before being counted so
that the count can represent either the number of times the double-delta
calculation equals one, or the number of times it equals zero.
Continue to the next page: The rebirth and rebuilding of Colossus.
This page was originally created by the late Tony Sale the original curator of the Bletchley Park Museum This section of the site is being reworked by Rich Sale Limited |